Chinese Five-Spice Powder

"You can purchase this powder premade in the grocery store, but making your own makes for a better flavor."
photo by Zurie photo by Zurie
photo by Zurie
photo by Bonnie G #2 photo by Bonnie G #2
Ready In:
2 tablespoons




  • Mix the spices together and store in an airtight jar.

Questions & Replies

  1. How long do you toast the fennel seeds and Szechuan peppercorn in the frypan before you add them to the rest of the powder ingredients?
  2. Do you cook with it or add it after?


  1. I am so pleased I came across this little recipe!! Today I need Chinese Five-Spice for a lovely recipe. Couldn't find any in my spice cupboard. The only decent shop in the sticks where I live didn't have any. What to do?? I came home to Zaar, and found this recipe!! Fantastic. I do not have Sheczuan peppercorns, so used mixed (white, pink and black). The rest of the spices I do have. I blended it in a small coffee bean grinder. It smells great!! And guess what? As I scratched around, I DID find my Five-Spice powder ... old and with hardly any fragrance left, so I chucked it out!! Thanks for saving my Sunday night recipe!! Smells great!!!
  2. I think there is too much clove in this. Other recipes only have 1/8 tsp of cloves and this one tastes too strongly of cloves
  3. I have a Chinese(Szechuan)peppercorn bush/shrub(very thorny)in my ornamental garden. This year it produced an abundance of the red peppercorns, so I dried some in my solar dehydrator and ground them with rock salt(Himalayan, Brazilian Sea Salt and Kosher). The flavor is fantastic and we use it in just about everything now. I even sprinkled some on my popcorn.
  4. Aaaaughhh! Thank you so much for posting this-we found we needed five spice powder for a recipe and I was out and didn't have time to run to the store. This worked great! I wish I had a better way to grind up the fennel seeds than pounding them with a meat mallet but we still got the flavor anyway. Just adding the 1/2 tsp. of spice really made our chicken stir fry a lot better. Thank you again.
  5. While this is the basic 5 spice mix , many 5 spice mixes you buy include a little ginger powder and if you use normal pepper black/white or red instead of Szechuan you're probably best to add a little ginger to balance it out and I add a little chilli powder too if I'm using normal pepper.


  1. This is similar to my recipe but I use double the amount of Szechuan pepper and 1 1/2 times the amount of fennel seed.


I live in the San Francisco area and love it here. I discovered Recipezaar (then Kitchen) in 2001 and have been so happy to have my favorite recipes stored safely here. I am mother to 7 and grandmother to 7. I love to knit, smock, sew, etc., but my favorite hobby of the moment is traditional rug hooking. This is a sample of what I do.? It's called "November".? I dyed most of the wool myself. It is made from wool flannel, cut into strips a little less than 1/4" and then worked into a linen backing. This is my 3rd rug.
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